I have just a quick question on doctor shortages in rural and northern areas. Across the country we have this major challenge, and again I speak of my own community, where we're losing doctors. Each time we lose a doctor it's 2,000 more orphaned patients. We don't seem to be able to get them replaced.
That's becoming a problem in a number of different ways--first of all, in supporting the population that's there. Sault Ste. Marie is on the cusp of a bit of a growth spurt because of the way our industries are starting to perform. If we can't guarantee people who come to work that their families are going to be looked after in terms of a family doctor, they're not coming. That's a problem.
The question I have is on enrolment limits in medical school. Have you looked at that and how that's getting in the way of this problem? Have you any answers to what we might do about that?