It strikes me that the LICO is the most widely accepted measure. There's perhaps no perfect measure of this, but that's the most widely accepted, so we might as well use it, in my view, as the best measure we have at the moment.
It strikes me also, as we've seen from the Statistics Canada report earlier this year about the reduction in families below the low-income cut-off between 1996 and 2004, that there is an extent to which a strong economy can reduce poverty. But I don't think it does the whole job. I'd like you to talk more about the extent to which it can't do that and therefore what the strategy should be in terms of policies we have for people who are short-term and long-term low-income people.
In relation to the question of people who are on welfare, I think Mr. Calderhead can correct me if I'm wrong, but it's my impression that in Nova Scotia, for example, the welfare levels and the amount they provide are well below the low-income cut-off.
I invite the panellists to comment.