Thank you, Mr. Regan.
Since the adoption, in 1977, of anti-scab legislation in Quebec, the Ministry of Labour in Quebec has been preparing annual reports on labour disputes. They clearly show that strikes falling under federal jurisdiction last twice as long as those under Quebec jurisdiction. This is solid and detailed data which is produced annually.
It should be noted that 92% of the labour force in Quebec is subject to the Quebec Labour Code, which prohibits the use of replacement workers. The fact that strikes last half as long has a significant effect on the income for both labour and management. Disputes don't last as long, and in most cases, people get back to work much more quickly. In this context, there are no losses, but only gains.
Through their figures, the Fraser Institute and the Institut économique de Montréal have come up with a structure under which it would be more advantageous for factories and management to use contract or sub-contract workers rather than hiring full-time workers, avoiding in that way having to compensate the staff in the case of a strike. They manipulate their figures in order to show that using contract workers rather than full-time workers would lead to a decrease in the number of workers in a province. They refer to 30,000 workers in Quebec and 17,000 in British Columbia.
First off, that is pure speculation, because nothing proves that to be the case. Moreover, employers, in a bid to ensure productivity and out of respect for their employees, attempt to provide acceptable working conditions in most cases.
This approach is based on American studies aimed at demonstrating that anti-scab legislation is useless. Yet, we know full well, because of a decrease in the duration of conflicts and violence on the picket lines, that there are fewer lawsuits going ahead. Employers and employees negotiate on an equal footing, under similar rules. In other words, the employer cannot turn a profit and employees cannot earn their wages. The negotiation takes place between equals, which leads to labour peace.
Since 1977, labour peace has been far greater in Quebec than elsewhere. Indeed, in the 1970s and prior to that, there had been extremely violent strikes; scabs were hired. Shots were even fired.