My concern is that it was apparent from the last meeting that this is going to be jammed through. It's consistent with everything that's happened in this committee so far, as you know.
I believe we need to make sure, since this legislation is so important for both sides, that we hear the appropriate number of witnesses. This is why there's urgency to bring it up right now. It was clear to me that based on what happened at the last meeting, we were not going to get the proper hearing. It was absolutely clear.
I've had a lot of concerns with the way this went through last time. I think it's of the utmost importance. As for the reason why I would say six, we can debate that further as we need to, but I want to make sure that we have.... I'd rather err on hearing too many witnesses than too few, and that's why my rationale was six. We absolutely need to debate this legislation. It's very important that we have a thorough debate and hear all of the witnesses who want to speak to this.
It is absolutely not appropriate to limit it to two days in the same week, three weeks before Christmas, in terms of the number of witnesses we're hearing on this, and then cram it through.