Mr. D'Amours, I would like to come back to certain points. The law was amended between the time we were in office from 1984 to 1993 and the year 1999. In 1999, your government amended it, specifically to allow for replacement workers. However, it was clear that this would never be done to undermine the unions. Corrective measures were taken between the time we were in office and 1999. I might also remind you that in Ontario, in 1995, the government withdrew its anti-strike breaker law, and that in 2004, the other government, which was Liberal, reviewed the law and decided to maintain the status quo. This is why there is no anti-strike breaking law in Ontario.
Further, I would like to point out that every provision of the Canadian Labour Code is connected to all the others. But you are taking one part in isolation which you want to amend without due regard for the consequences. Indeed, Bill C-257 does not take into account the repercussions. It breaks the balance.