Mr. Chairman, given the importance of the issue and of maintaining the balance in labour-management relations, we should all make decisions that are in the best interest of Canada, companies, entrepreneurs, unions and non-union workers, because if the economy were paralyzed, they would also suffer the consequences. Everyone would suffer.
Mr. Chairman, I would like to conclude by noting that despite the existence of anti-scab legislation, the Noranda mine workers union's strike lasted for 11 months; the strike of the Société des alcools du Québec lasted 3 months; the employees' strike at Lallemand lasted 5 months. More recently, the employees' strike at Maple Leaf Mills Ltd lasted for a year.
With or without anti-strike breaker legislation, we cannot prevent lengthy disputes. This is unfortunate; everyone wants to come to an agreement, but this is part of the free negotiation of collective agreements.
I thank everyone.