The motion reads:
Preferably on Tuesday December 12, the Committee meet for four (4) hours to proceed with clause-by-clause of the Bill and, if the House of Commons is scheduled to adjourn earlier, then, preferably, the Committee meet before the adjournment of the House to proceed with the clause-by-clause of the Bill.
I'm sorry, Mr. Lake, just hold on a second.
Where's the first part of the motion?
It was agreed, That the Committee adopt the following work plan for its study of Bill C-257: Tuesday November 28, appearance of Mr. Richard Nadeau, the sponsor of the Bill, and of the Honourable Jean-Pierre Blackburn, Minister of Labour; Tuesday December 5, the Committee sit for four (4) hours to hear witnesses; Thursday December 7, the Committee sit for four (4) hours to hear witnesses....
So it was agreed that we would sit for four hours, but because we need to break up the meeting to hear different groups of witnesses, they are separate meetings, and that's why we'll be starting the witnesses over again.