With all due respect, Minister, let me say that people are provoked when they see others taking away their jobs and their livelihoods.
Do you admit that since 1977, violent disputes—as you said—have no longer occurred in companies under provincial jurisdiction? Moreover, if there were such incidents, they were on a very small scale and not on a large scale as we can see.
With regard to disputes under federal jurisdiction, as we saw at Cargill, we witnessed some very brutal confrontations. We could give other examples of this. I do not want to get caught up in rhetoric, so let us stick to concrete facts.
Are you aware of the fact that this happened after the legislation was adopted?
In this respect, have you discussed the matter with your provincial counterparts in provinces where there is anti-strike breaker legislation? Have you discussed with your counterparts in Quebec, for instance, their experience with anti-strike breaker legislation? In Quebec, there are no more doubts about this. Nonetheless, they have had a much more concrete experience with this than Ontario did. Have you discussed this with those people?