Mr. Chair, in light of the last meeting and lots of suggestions during that meeting that we're not having enough time to discuss this important topic, and I think even Ms. Lavallée at one point said we really don't have enough time on a topic as important as this one, I'd like to move a motion. I'll just read it right now and then we can discuss it:
That, in relation to Bill C-257, notwithstanding any motion previously adopted, that this committee not consider clause-by-clause study of said Bill on Tuesday December 12th, and instead that the Committee instruct the clerk to seek the testimony of such witnesses as the Legislative Counsel, to testify on possible amendments beyond the scope of the Bill, and to hear from Department of Labour officials to provide technical advice on the functioning and impact of the said Bill, and that additional witnesses representing both labour and industry be invited to testify on the Bill, particularly those witnesses from regions that have requested to appear and that they be given appropriate time to appear.