On the issue of pendulum swings, I think the Ontario experience that I referred to was classic. There is a risk in this. It was simply that the process lacked involvement of both parties, in the case of former Premier Rae's amendments.
There's an article I can refer you to on the 16th annual Sefton Memorial Lecture, given at the University of Toronto by Kevin Burkett, a respected and neutral arbitrator still at work in Ontario. In that lecture, published in 1998, he goes into this in detail. It's worth a look. I can give you the reference afterwards, if you wish.
What happened was that in came Mr. Rae's government and they put forward a one-sided bill. They went through a mock consultation process in which Mr. Burkett was asked to chair a party. He just threw his hands up and said, this is not possible; this is a list that the government has handed down; there's no room for consultation. The result was that when former Premier Harris came in, he was able to simply push it all back. He even annoyed management as well while he was doing it, because he pushed the balance way too far back.
So there's always a problem if you don't include labour and management and try to get them to come as closely together as they can, which I think in many respects Sims did, because he focused on the unfair labour practice side of the use of replacement workers—union busting.