In Quebec, the anti-scab legislation has been around since 1977. The statistics go back further than that and are mainly on violence on the picket lines .
Mr. Martin, surely you know the biggest and most difficult strike was the United Aircraft workers strike. It lasted 20 months, and the issue was union recognition. The company used replacement workers, with all its counterproductive consequences: Jailings, injured or fired workers, and so on. The strike was so difficult that the company had to change its name. It now called Pratt & Whitney and is located in Longueuil.
In Quebec, the anti-replacement worker legislation has, for all intents and purposes, restored a balance and eliminated violence during labour disputes. The Conseil du patronat actually acknowledged that, at a meeting in 1983. I agree with statistics that show a decrease in labour disputes, in Quebec and in other provinces. There used to be more disputes in Quebec, as Ms. Carbonneau pointed out. There has been less of a decrease in other provinces.
I am going to turn it over to her, because she appears to have some statistics for you.