Yes. There's a newspaper company, for example, in the Comox Valley area, at which 140 employees went on strike. The employer told the union well in advance that he had to make changes to his operations in order to survive. Within a couple of weeks of the strike starting, people who had used him as their printer and everything had found alternate suppliers. So by the time they got ready to even resolve it, they couldn't, because the guy had gone out of business. He couldn't get his customers back.
This inevitably happens in a labour dispute. Once there is a dispute, whoever you are, if you're relying on somebody to get you something, you find an alternate. So when people say that it's not a difficulty, you know what people will do? They'll start transporting their stuff through the States instead of through Canada, or they'll find alternate ways of doing it. Once you've lost it, you've lost it, and it's very difficult to come back.