Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Good afternoon. My name is John Winter, and I'm here to represent the Coalition of B.C. Businesses. I'm also the president of the B.C. Chamber of Commerce. Thank you for the opportunity to present today.
The B.C. chamber is one of 16 business associations that comprise the coalition, which has been acting on behalf of 50,000 or more small and medium-sized businesses since 1992. The coalition supports labour policies that will help foster a positive working relationship between employers and employees and a climate for economic growth and jobs. We are relieved the committee agreed to expand its consultation on this critical piece of proposed legislation.
We speak on this issue with some authority and some experience. As you may know, B.C. has a legislated ban on replacement workers, and has had it since 1993. Over that time, we have become quite familiar with the same myths and misinformation that proponents of Bill C-257 have been offering up. Chief among them is the erroneous assumption that a ban on replacement workers levels the playing field between labour and management.
Take, for example, a neighbourhood bakery in Vancouver and the relative leverage of the parties involved in a labour dispute. On the one hand, the striking employees have the ability to continue earning a livelihood by working elsewhere if they so choose, a scenario quite likely in today's hot economy and worker shortage. On the other hand, the bakery owner's ability to maintain his livelihood, without staff, is all but eliminated. Remarkably, it's against the law in B.C. for him to even hire family members to keep those ovens operating. All the owner can do is to carry on under the burden of an over-worked and over-stressed management, who are putting in extra hours and doing the job of multiple employees for the length of the strike, which could be months.
There is no sure outcome for that bakery owner. The striking employee is legally guaranteed his job when the strike is over, a principle that the coalition supports. The union is guaranteed the right to bring in replacement pickets to keep the pressure on for as long as it takes, but the employer has no ability to take action to keep that business afloat. His entire investment is at risk.
Meanwhile, loyal customers are taking their business elsewhere to avoid the strike. Fewer bakery goods are sold, and sales will drop. It will be an uphill and costly battle for the baker to win back lost business after the employees return to workâthat is, if there is still a viable business to come back to.
Small businesses in British Columbia know they have little choice about whether or not to endure a strike. They simply cannot do so. The options a small-business owner faces in this so-called level playing field are essentially three: to shut down; to give in to union demands to avoid a strike that it knows it cannot withstand; or thirdly, in the event of a strike, to seek a quick settlement rather than a settlement that serves the long-term viability of the enterprise and the jobs it supports.
In British Columbia, it is no wonder that owners of many small and medium-sized businesses likened the ban on replacement workers to a gun pointed at the heads of employers.
In the coalition's view, the ban on replacement workers tilts bargaining power excessively toward unions and undercuts the effectiveness of the negotiation process. It is that fundamental imbalance that explains why opposition of B.C.'s employer community to the replacement-worker ban remains undiminished 13 years after it was introduced.
As my colleagues from the B.C. Business Council have noted, this bill is more damaging than the B.C. legislation in several respects. Instead of restricting itself to banning replacement workers, Bill C-257 even prevents employers from attempting to operate their own business during a strike. For example, the owner of a small interprovincial trucking operation cannot even drive the truck himself during a strike. Bill C-257 prohibits him from engaging in any productive work to try to keep that business running.
The second point is that employees of the business are not permitted to disagree with their union and to cross the picket line to do the job during the strike. This is permitted in British Columbia, but would be outlawed under Bill C-257.
On December 7, the president of Teamsters Canada stated before this committee that Bill C-257 is about dignity and respect for workers. How does depriving Canadian employees of their fundamental right to dissent from their unions' decisions and choose to work further dignity and respect for workers? This is imposition of union solidarity through legislation.
The coalition wonders whether these provisions of Bill C-257 would be consistent with the freedom of association and the freedom of expression protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
There can be no question that Bill C-257 is wholly inconsistent with another principal tenet of labour law; that is, the spillover effect of labour disputes between a particular employee and its union. Any spillover should be limited as much as possible to avoid harming third parties who are not involved in the labour dispute.
This bill applies to federally regulated companies that are vital to the national economy, such as transportation, telecommunications, and financial services. Granting organized labour the ability to shut these businesses entirely, through Bill C-257, would have a catastrophic domino effect extending far beyond the direct impact to federally regulated businesses.
Small and medium-sized enterprises are third parties to a labour dispute and have much to lose. How, you ask? Here are four examples: the manufacturer who depends on the railways to ensure just-in-time delivery of components to the factory; retailers and their customers who rely on the financial services sector to process millions of payments, transactions, every day; the small business that depends on Canada Post to deliver its goods to customers in a cost-effective manner and the customers who are depending upon the timely receipt of these goods; and the millions of businesses, including home offices, that depend on the services of telecommunications companies for their telephone, fax, and e-mail communications.
In the event of a federal labour strike the average Canadian small or medium-sized business does not have the ability to quickly adapt and find new suppliers, distribution networks, or communications service providers. The burden of Bill C-257 on these enterprises and the families and employees who run them is simply staggering.
The Coalition of B.C. Businesses supports the basic tenet that this committee has heard in previous testimony that laws should only be changed to address real and pressing problems. The onus is on the advocates of Bill C-257 to demonstrate that Canada has a problem to resolve with the use of replacement workers. They have failed to do so.
In the 20 years prior to the adoption of the Sims task force recommendations and the 1999 amendments to the code, the federal government had to enact emergency back-to-work legislation 17 times. Since then, there's not been a single instance when the federal government has had to impose a settlement through emergency legislation.
The Coalition of B.C. Businesses respectfully urges this committee to recommend to the House that this legislation be rejected, as Parliament has had the wisdom to do nine times previously.
Thank you for the opportunity to be heard.