I just want to say a couple of things. I agree with Ms. Davies that we need to get the technical witnesses in here sooner rather than later. I think we do need to get technical witnesses in here. It will help us to understand and put in context more of the testimony that we're hearing.
As for the type of witness testimony we're hearing, I would say that actually today, at least on the business side, was very different from what we've heard from more national organizations. We actually heard more examples that are specific regional examples from your own areas, and I do think it's important that we hear more regional testimony. If there are labour groups that want to come in that can offer a different perspective from what their national organizations have given--I'd be surprised if that were the case--and if they can and want to come, then I would agree with Mr. Lessard: let's involve them, as well. That would be fine with me.
Further to Mr. Lessard's point, as far as the mechanics of this committee, this all came about because you guys tried to do this in two meetings within one week. So you talk about gamesmanship. I think that was the prime example of gamesmanship on this committee, trying to put this through in three days of testimony, basically, and that's ridiculous. What went on after that was just a simple response to that.
My recommendation would be that we stick with the schedule as is.