Mr. Chairman, I will support the proposal. I find it a bit unfortunate that we've ended up in this situation. With your permission, I'd like to make the following comment.
I've noticed that among ourselves, we are not respecting a number of proprieties. When I began sitting at this committee in 2004, we had a steering committee made up of a representative of each party in order to plan our work and then report back to the plenary committee. Following exchanges, we communicated this to our respective groups. This is how we managed to plan the work in a harmonious fashion. As a matter of fact, our colleague Mr. Silva was present at the beginning.
Something happened that has surprised me a great deal. At some point, before the holidays, the Conservative representatives started to propose what I would call dilatory motions, because that's how I perceived them. Perhaps that was not the intention, but it did change the rules that we had set for ourselves. This was often done at the beginning of a meeting, when we had witnesses before us. This practice began with Mr. Nadeau, and was repeated with Mr. Blackburn, the minister, and it was done afterwards with witnesses, until such point that the rules started to change, by default, because on our side, there was not the same representation on that morning.
We live with this situation, and the chair made a decision: the rules of the game were being changed. I'm quite surprised by this, perhaps because of my background. But it seems to me you don't change the rules just like that and in addition, you sit on this committee.
It has been done and this is the way we operate now. But now we're really improvising and we end up in a situation like we had today, where we see an imbalance. When the hearings were planned, we'd agreed to try to invite national organizations in order to hear all opinions and strike a certain balance. I wasn't closed to the idea of adding other witnesses because of opinions that we would have heard. We felt there was some discontent. However, it seems to me that we should have done this by consulting the steering committee again in order to maintain that balance.
I'm not saying this to reprimand you. Objectively, I think there is a flaw. If we establish rules among ourselves, regardless of our political stripes, we want to stick to them. If we intend to change the rules because our party is taking another direction, we say this frankly and honestly, and that's understandable. It's not because we agreed on one thing that we can't change our mind later, but we have to say so clearly. We can't just make things up as we go along.
Therefore I do feel that the Conservative motion the other day was improvised, with the result here today that forces us to come up with something different from what we had agreed upon. I do not want to take up too much time, but if this is how you intend to run things, I can tell you right now that I cannot agree.
We have two vice-chairs and a chair. We also agreed that the NDP representative would be present. There are some among us who even receive additional money because we take on this responsibility. However, we are being pushed aside. There is something wrong here and I am not going to play this game. We are going to lay our cards on the table.
I therefore propose that in the short term, the NDP motion be considered in order to create that funnel that we had agreed to at the beginning in a short period of time. This way, we will not be insulting those who are already invited: we will simply be completing our work.
What we saw today is nothing new. Let met tell you right away that I have another proposal for the second phase. Although you might tell me that I should show more discipline, I certainly do not approve of being handed a document while I am engaged in work that requires all my attention, and of being forced to make a decision just minutes after the work is finished. Nevertheless, I am not blaming you for the way things happened.
I confirm that we can receive some today, but we might need to discuss this at another meeting. I suggest that we reconvene in the small committee so that we can work together as efficiently as we did before. That is all I have to say, Mr. Chairman. My prime concern is efficiency. I believe that we have an important mandate and an important task at hand. I do not want to get into petty politics. If I speak on behalf of my party, it is because I know my position, I know what I am talking about. I will represent my party in the way that we agreed upon. That is all I have to say, Mr. Chairman, and I will vote in favour of the motion.