That's fair enough.
I'm looking at the Sims report from 1999. They did look at the issue of replacement workers, as you know, and I want to read something because you mentioned, Mr. Massy, that before the strike or lockout even happens, things can be done to prevent that from happening, such as in the case of the Aliant strike.
The report on page 130 says the following:Replacement workers can be necessary to sustain the economic viability of an enterprise in the face of a harsh economic climate and unacceptable union demands. It is important in a system of free collective bargaining that employers maintain that option, unrestrained by any blanket prohibition. If this option is removed, employers will begin to structure themselves to reduce their reliance on permanent workforces for fear of vulnerability, to the detriment of both workers and employers alike.
I'd like your views on that.