If I correctly understand the distinction you're drawing between the apprehended situation and the actual situation, it's a bit difficult to answer because we're in a hypothetical situation. We have a bill that hasn't yet been passed. We don't actually know what its impact will be. All we can do is apprehend its impact.
In our view, knowing the importance of our services and their influence on the economy and society, we fear that these services will be disrupted and that essential services and emergency services will be reduced or seriously disabled.
I don't have any actual examples because we haven't had a situation in which legislation of this kind applied to telecommunications. So all I can tell you is that we think that could happen. We have to exercise our judgment as best we can. We're well aware of the growing importance of telecommunications. It's no longer one person in 10 who has and uses a cellular telephone; it's the majority of people, and in essential services, it's everywhere. So that's really what concerns us.