That's really our major concern. Just to give you a sense of how complex and significant we believe the essential services issue is, the Quebec labour legislation contains some 25 pages on essential services. It's not a simple one-liner that fixes everything. So I think essential services is quite a complex issue.
The TWU rep mentioned a letter that was on file. The important thing to understand is that with a wireless network, whether the police are in their office, in the car, or down a concession road, the whole network everywhere is providing essential services. An assurance of provision to a particular customer—911 or the police service—probably doesn't get you all the way home, because if the tower that's serving that area on concession 3 is out, that affects all customers.
So there's an integral part to the essential service in wireless communication, just because people are always, by definition, moving around. That's really the concern we have. If there are no assurances or protections for that, then our customers and public safety would be at risk.