Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'm pleased to have been invited to speak before the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Social Development, and the Status of Persons with Disabilities.
I have looked forward to meeting with you. This committee has earned an enviable reputation for proposing valuable actions and solutions to the real-life challenges facing Canadians today.
I welcome this opportunity to bring you up to date on the activities of Human Resources and Social Development, HRSD, through our main estimates for 2006-2007. As you can appreciate, the past few months have been a time of transition for HRSD, as it was created only last February through the consolidation of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and Social Development Canada.
The new department directly touches the lives of every Canadian. Our programs, policies, and partnerships support individuals in difficult times, help Canadians create opportunities, and deliver services that help people across the country. Quite simply stated, HRSD is about enabling all Canadians to make choices that will allow them to live productive and rewarding lives.
The HRSD portfolio encompasses a lot of things: employment insurance, workplace skills, learning, initiatives for children and families, persons with disabilities and seniors, along with such programs as the Canada Pension Plan and old age security, homelessness, and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. That's quite a broad range and touches every single Canadian.
An important part of my mandate is to improve the delivery of programs and services to Canadians through Service Canada. I'd like to point out some of the ways that we are moving forward on this front. We're making great strides in improving access to government information and services through new mobile and outreach services. By the end of 2006, our goal is to provide 90% of Canadians with access to a Service Canada point of service within 50 kilometres of where they live.
We now have more than 125 new points of service, many in rural and remote locations that were previously under-served. We've done this through the use of mobile outreach, not investing in new bricks and mortar but providing service in other facilities as well as through our mobile vehicles. For example, we have a number of new outreach sites serving aboriginal communities in northern Canada, through which we've been able to identify a broad range of potential beneficiaries of our support programs.
Service Canada is working with a growing number of federal departments, provinces, and territories to move the one-stop-shopping approach forward. This makes sense from the point of view of the citizen and provides better value to Canadian taxpayers.
For example, we're partnering with Transport Canada and Service New Brunswick to deliver pleasure-craft licences across Canada. We're partnering with the Government of Ontario on an online integrated birth registration service where new parents can apply for both a birth certificate and a social insurance number for the newborn. In Manitoba, we have three bilingual centres where citizens can get services from the municipal, provincial, and federal governments. Another popular service that we now offer is passport availability at 35 locations across Canada. We've already helped over 40,000 Canadians with this service.
Next week the governments of Canada and British Columbia are co-hosting, at the first deputy minister level, a federal-provincial-territorial meeting on service delivery issues, to look at how to work together on serving Canadians better.
While the Labour Program is still part of the HRSDC family, it is managed under the capable leadership of my colleague, Minister Jean-Pierre Blackburn, who is with us today and will be addressing you shortly.
A new structure was the strategic decision to respond to Canadians' expectations for streamlined government and good value for every tax dollar spent. Equally, it reflects our government's recognition that Canada's success depends on the ability of Canadians and our communities to reach their full potential. Since forming government, we've made it clear that HRSD will continue to help individuals at all stages of their life to create opportunities. This commitment was reinforced in the Speech from the Throne and new initiatives announced in the recent budget tabled by Finance Minister Flaherty.
Appropriations in the main estimates will enable us to move this agenda forward. But as I'm sure you can appreciate, the main estimates do not reflect the Government of Canada's recent budget. That elaboration will be provided in detail this fall when the report on plans and priorities will be tabled.
This newly created department comprises Human Resources and Skills Development and Social Development. It has planned expenditures on programs and services of more than $78 billion, of which the vast majority, totalling $73 billion, are provided as statutory payments to individual Canadians through employment insurance, the Canada Pension Plan, old age security, and other statutory transfer payment programs.
The remaining 6% includes transfer payments of $650 million to provinces and territories for the purpose of early learning and child care; $222 million to provinces and territories under the multilateral framework for labour market agreements for persons with disabilities; and $900 million to support individuals, communities, the private and voluntary sectors, and other levels of government in the achievement of shared human resources and social development goals through grants and contributions.
The 2006-2007 main estimates reflect HRSD and SDC as separate departments under the section for Human Resources and Skills Development. These estimates exclude employment insurance, $16 billion, and the Canada Pension Plan, $26 billion in benefits and costs, which we fund from these two specific accounts.
The 2006-2007 main estimates show an increase of $2.6 billion from 2005-2006. This is mainly due to increases of $1.8 billion as statutory payments to individual Canadians and to the transfer payments of $650 million to provinces and territories for the purpose of early learning and child care.
CMHC's main estimates for 2006-2007 in the amount of $2.266 billion cover the areas of assisted housing, affordable housing, housing repair and improvement programs, research and information transfer, and CMHC International.
I've just outlined our main estimates, but because we have a new government I think it would be helpful if I laid out our new initiatives in budget 2006 and how they impact on HRSDC and build on the commitments we made to Canadians.
In looking at the challenges ahead, our department has been tasked with ensuring that Canadians have choices through more focused support to children, families, seniors, people with disabilities, and their communities. At the same time, we're supporting economic growth and competitiveness through investments in post-secondary education and increased individual supports for apprenticeships and students.
I'm very proud that the Prime Minister has conferred these responsibilities on HRSD, and I know that the public service is up to the challenge of delivering this very ambitious agenda.
The Government of Canada recognizes that strong families are the building blocks of society and the key to our future. That is why we are investing $5.2 billion over two years in children and families--for children, $3.7 billion over two years in the universal child care benefit and $250 million per year for up to 25,000 new child care spaces each year beginning in 2007. The universal child care benefit will go directly to the parents of Canada's 2.1 million pre-schoolers. It will provide $100 per month for each child under six, to help parents supplement their options for child care that best suit their family's needs.
The second component of our universal child care plan is our child care spaces initiative. Under this program, we want to help increase the supply of child care spaces, but to do it in a way that meets the unique demands of families who need more responsive and flexible choices.
In support of strong communities, the budget provides for new housing trust funds for provinces and territories for affordable housing, including funds for aboriginal people off reserve and northern housing. These housing trusts will help Canadians find a safe and affordable place to call home. These expenditures are being managed directly by the Minister of Finance. This investment builds on approximately $2 billion per year in housing programs administered by CMHC, now part of my portfolio, which enables thousands of low-income Canadians to renovate substandard homes and obtain affordable housing.
Mr. Chair, budget 2006 underscores that gaining skills is the best way for Canadians to access employment. Investments in education and training are critical to Canadian's future as well as to the productivity and competitiveness of our national economy. That is why the budget introduces a new apprenticeship incentive grant that will benefit 100,000 first- and second-year apprentices, as well as two new tax measures, an apprenticeship job creation tax credit for employers to hire new apprentices, and a new tools tax deduction for employed tradespeople to help with tools costs.
For students, the budget exempts all scholarships and bursary income from tax, introduces a textbook tax credit for both full-time and part-time students, and improves access to student loans. To strengthen post-secondary education infrastructure, the budget allocates $1 billion to the provinces and territories, contingent, of course, on confirmation of final financial results for 2005-06 for critical and urgent investments.
I would like to address our demographic challenges. I am delighted that the budget has committed us to consult with the provinces, territories, and other stakeholders on the creation of the Canadian agency for assessment and recognition of foreign credentials.
Mr. Chair, these priorities are broad in scope and reach, but they focus on our priorities as Canadians. In the coming months we will be engaging in consultations with the provincial and territorial governments, as well as with other key partners, as part of the government's approach to meeting the challenges facing Canadians. One of the most important initiatives is the child care spaces initiative, a component of Canada's universal child care plan.
Over the next six months HRSD will be consulting with provinces, territories, employers, and community and non-profit organizations to develop a plan to stimulate the creation of child care spaces that will respond to parents' needs. As the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development, I have also been mandated, and I quote, to “initiate discussions this spring with provinces and territories on the overall objectives for post-secondary education and training, appropriate roles, and on developing a framework for ensuring measurable results and accountability in respect of funding support”.
Our bid to encourage apprenticeships and to support apprentices in their training will also involve discussions with the provinces and territories, employers, and unions.
Engaging Canadians will be a key feature in the development of these and other initiatives. In the same way, Mr. Chair, we will consult with parliamentarians — people who ran for election because they want to make a difference in the life of our country — the same people who have the pulse of their communities and their constituents' best interests.
While the Federal Accountability Act and action plan has yet to be approved by Parliament, my officials are taking steps to ensure that all of our department's processes, policies, and services meet these new standards of accountability. The federal accountability action plan provides for a new approach to expenditure management, focused on results and value for money. I will ensure its effective implementation in my department.
The next 12 months will be demanding as we work with our partners and the provinces and territories to make the budget commitments a reality for Canadians.
As someone with a professional background in helping organizations develop strategic long-term solutions to problems, I believe strongly in involving as many people as feasible, so that we can hear all of their ideas and all of their perspectives. By doing that, we will have the benefit of many high-quality minds and ideas, and I believe we will come up with better solutions.
I recognize the importance of your work as individual parliamentarians, and I'm anxious to benefit from your insights, particularly in light of these budget commitments and the important role that will be played by HRSD. I look forward to working with you, as we aim to help all Canadians realize their goals for a better life.
Thank you.