There has been a lot of demand, at the provincial level, that there be recognition of the cost of post-secondary education that the provinces have to bear, and we'd like to make sure that the contribution of the federal government in that is recognized.
During the campaign we talked about a dedicated transfer. We don't want to do this arbitrarily. We don't want to come up with a program and just impose it on the provinces. Our relationship is far too interdependent to do that. I have already begun informal consultations with a wide range of my provincial colleagues on this subject. We are going to be going through formal consultations as well, because if we're going to go to this kind of dedicated transfer and remove it from the Canada social transfer, we want to develop a program that specifies the rules and responsibilities of both levels of government, so that both levels of government can be held accountable for performing and meeting the objectives of their roles. In the case of the federal government, most of that is in providing the financing, and the role of the provincial government is in how it's spent.
We want to make sure that if we're handing over billions of dollars to the provinces for post-secondary education, that's where it's being spent and that it's being spent wisely. We believe we owe that to Canadians.