But apart from our goal-tending shortage, in my riding, foreign credentials is a major, major issue. I hear time and time again from people who have come to the country thinking one thing and when they get here, they find out things are a bit different. That's the recurring thing I hear. When I talk to people, I think we have probably about the highest qualified taxi and convenience store workers in the world in my riding. We have engineers, doctors, all sorts of people working there who should be working in other places--either in my mind or in their mind.
I guess I have a couple of questions. My understanding is that some of these people feel they're getting bad information when they're making their decisions before they come here. They think they're coming to do one thing, but when they get here, they realize they're less qualified than they thought. Some feel they have qualifications and there's simply a backlog that's causing them problems. That's a recognition issue. Some, actually, may even relate to our internal transfer of employees, when they come to one place but then want to move to another place and realize the rules are different.
I want a bit of feedback in terms of what you might have identified--I know it's early on--as the biggest issues that we need to address in terms of this recognition.