If I may speak to that point, the fact is that what we're talking about here is a structural change in labour law. What we're enjoying in Canada is a very prolonged period of economic growth. We're into our fifteenth consecutive year of growth across the country, and that's due in part to some smart policy choices we made in the past, whether that was getting into free trade or getting government finances in order. The fact is, labour law is not the only thing that affects economic performance.
The point I'm trying to make is that there are two effects. When we talk about federally regulated sectors, we are talking about industries that have a broader impact on the economy than industries that are regulated at a provincial level, and therefore the follow-on consequences of labour disruptions are more significant. They also will tend to have more of an international profile. One big strike in a major port like Vancouver is noticed, and not just in terms of the immediate economic consequences within Canada. It's noticed internationally by people who ask if they can rely on that as a point of entry.
If I'm not mistaken, I think both your party and the government party have supported one version or another of a Pacific gateway strategy. You see that as a way to help this country grow.