Thank you all for coming in today. I do appreciate you guys getting down here, and I'm glad we got you in.
Actually, I've heard, to your credit, some different arguments than I've heard from some of the other witnesses that are against this legislation.
One of the things I sense from you is a little bit of frustration, perhaps, maybe surprise--I share those sentiments--that a piece of legislation like this has even gotten this far. I think it's pretty extreme legislation. I think a lot of the people we've heard talk have said the same thing. You might be surprised to learn that some of those concerns are shared by a fellow named Mr. Sydney Green in an editorial he wrote in the Winnipeg Free Press. Sydney Green is a former Manitoba cabinet minister, actually an NDP cabinet minister, in Manitoba.
Mr. Law, in particular, some of the comments you made caused me to reflect a little bit on this article. I'm going to read a little bit from it and get your comments.
He starts off:
The election of a minority government has resulted in a curious anomaly. The combined opposition is in a position where it believes that it can pass legislation in direct conflict with the position of the government. Indeed, the combined opposition, simply to flex its muscles, has given second reading to legislation that no party seeking to become the federal government has ever included as a plank in an election platform.
He goes on to say, at a different point:
When free collective bargaining is the rule, employees have the right to withdraw their services. But when they do so, they run the risk of being unsuccessful. The ultimate risk is the risk of losing one's job. The employers had the right to resist union demands and to carry on their business. But in doing so, they ran the risk of losing. The ultimate risk was being put out of business.
It sounds similar to what you were saying today. He says, “This balance of ultimate risks was a most important feature. It demanded responsibility on both sides. It was the cornerstone and safety valve of the free collective bargaining process”.
When discussing the history of labour legislation, Mr. Green says, “This so-called anti-scab legislation is the most outrageous demand yet, and lowers the coffin into the grave.”
This is an NDP cabinet minister from Manitoba speaking.
When discussing the long-term implications of Bill C-257, Mr. Green points out that:
The implication of legislative interference, once the principle of non-interference is abandoned, is boundless. In answer to anti-scab legislation, employers can logically demand that during a lockout, employees locked out cannot seek other employment.
That's exactly what you were saying, I think, Mr. Law.
Actually, I'm going to stop there. I want to ask any of you, but particularly Mr. Law to start, if you want to comment on that.