Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you for coming to testify. I also thank you for your excellent presentation.
What you said is important, but we have heard these arguments many times. In fact, employers always put the same arguments forward. There is currently an imbalance in bargaining powers and you take advantage of this imbalance. Needless to say, you do not want to lose your privileges. We understand that.
Although the chairman requested that I ask you questions, I am going to give you some arguments instead. Normally, the group of witnesses is better balanced and at least half of them would be presenting the position of the union party. You are the first group not to have any. I will try to explain to you why the Bloc Québécois has introduced this bill for the 10th time. I will answer Mr. David Law's questions and explain to him what problems this bill solves. Please take notes; that way, you will be able to explain it to your students.
This is the 10th time in 15 years that the Bloc Québécois has introduced this bill. Even the current Minister, Jean-Pierre Blackburn, voted in favour of this bill when he was a Conservative MP. As you will be able to see, many people find solutions to their problems in this bill. It is well designed. I am less familiar with the situation in British Columbia, but I can say that in Quebec, the same act has been in force for 30 years.
Why did the Quebec government pass it in 1977? It was in the aftermath of a dispute that involved a great deal of violence at the United Aircraft company, which is today called Pratt and Whitney. That same year, at the Robin Hood company, the security guards who had been hired to allow strikebreakers to enter had fired on people and some were wounded. It was crazy. In August 1977, René Lévesque had the Anti-strikebreaking Act adopted. Several years later, when employer representatives suggested to Robert Bourassa, who had become the Premier in the meantime, that he get rid of the act, he refused, arguing that there had been social peace.
You presented scores of numbers and referred to many studies. I too will speak to you of numbers. In fact, the most important statistic of all is the number of person-days lost. However, Quebec cannot be compared to Ontario. Quebeckers are much more highly unionized than Ontarians. As there are more unions and union members in Quebec, there are more strikes. What needs to be compared is the number of person-days lost among workers under the Quebec Labour Code and workers under the Canada Labour Code. The latter lose far more days of work because of disputes.
For example, in 2004, workers subject to the Canada Labour Code, representing less than 8% of the workforce, were responsible for 18% of lost person-days. I am using the 2004 figures because they are the most recent available, but I could also quote you the figures from 2002. In 2002, workers subject to the Canada Labour Code represented only 8% of the workforce, but 49% of person-days lost were attributable to them. This statistic is very revealing, particularly as the Minister of Labour, Jean-Pierre Blackburn, had previously voted in favour of anti-strikebreaking legislation when he was only an MP and there were no limousines at stake.
Last May, when we introduced the bill, he presented many different figures, but each time, we were able to show him that the statistics were being used improperly. He then stopped using arguments from the Institut économique de Montréal, the Fraser Institute and from John Budd, this management consultant from the University of Minnesota who was very well-known in the United States and whom you also cited. He often consults on behalf of management, who often have a highly conflictual attitude towards their employees. He is well-known for his right-wing ideas.
All these people conduct studies, gather numbers that suit them and prepare fine studies for you, the management representatives, and that suits you just fine. Then you throw these figures at us.
Mr. Hogue, you should know that when a strike lasts a long time in Quebec, and there is vandalism and violence on the picket lines, it is always at an organization that is under federal regulation. We know it, we can see it, and we don't need statistics. I will mention a few of these companies to you. At Vidéotron, the strike lasted 10 months. As you are aware, Vidéotron hired strikebreakers and it turned out very badly. There was a great deal of vandalism that caused damage to the employer's facilities. The 2,200 employees were angry and in the end returned to Vidéotron after a 10 month dispute. The strike at Sécur, which had 900 employees, lasted three months, and there again there was vandalism, with the employer's facilities damaged, including ATMs . The Cargill strike at Baie-Comeau lasted 36 months.