Well, this is not an easy thing to do. As I'm sure you'd appreciate, collecting data internationally for countries whose legal systems are quite different from ours is not a small thing.
We've tried to make some progress on that front. We have come across information put together by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the International Labour Organization. We have been able to get hold of some data. Of course we don't have information for all of the approximately 162 countries.
Based on the information we have been able to get, we put countries into three categories: countries that ban the use of replacement workers; countries that allow the use of replacement workers in one form or another, as there are differences in degrees; and countries for which we don't really have any information.
If I can summarize the information that we have, as I said, it's incomplete.
In the first group, countries that ban the use of replacement workers, I can mention countries like Korea, Mexico, Chile, Cambodia, Botswana, Tanzania, and the Republic of Montenegro. Those are the seven countries we have found where the use of replacement workers is banned. As you can understand, they have disallowed that.
The countries where replacement workers are allowed in one form or another would be France, the U.K., Belgium, the U.S., Australia, Germany, Slovenia, Greece, Madagascar, and Namibia. It's not a very long list, but it is all we have been able to find.
I would put the remaining 140-odd countries on the list where we really cannot come to a determination on whether or not replacement workers are allowed. For most of the western countries, the answer is that replacement workers are allowed in one form or another.