Thank you very much.
I know the chair is going to be much more indulgent in letting you go over the time than he would with me, so I'll ask both of my questions up front and hope that we get the answers in.
Both of my questions relate to the CPP. Retroactivity is a huge concern for me, whether it concerns GIS, OAS, or CPP, but let me ask about CPP in particular, because it is different from the other two.
CPP is a pay-as-you-go system, so it's not the government's money. The government administers this program. Retroactivity in Quebec is five years on the QPP. Why is it that we're limiting retroactivity on the CPP? I think a whole lot of people would be really happy if we could eliminate that provision.
The other question I have is a follow-up to the question I started to ask earlier about how we calculate what the contribution rates ought to be for the CPP. Let me expand on that question a bit. Is the solvency period on which we base the contributions 75 years?