Okay, so it's 60 years.
We know, or at least we've been told, that the CPP is solvent for another 75 years. If you're contemplating an increase to benefit levels, at what point do you decide that we need greater contributions, when we know we're solvent for 75 years, but technically we really only need to be solvent for 60?
Regarding the other question, the Minister of Finance talked about potentially putting up to $3 billion of government money into the CPP in the federal budget. I understand that this may or may not have been dropped. What was the rationale when again CPP is a pay-as-you-go program? It's an employee-employer, contribution-based system. What would be the need for topping up the CPP? Also, if you confirm that this has been dropped, do you have any idea where that money went?
Thank you.