Since the 1998 reforms, there has been a provision in the act that says that if benefits are enriched and enhanced or if a new benefit is introduced, that benefit must be in an actuarial sense fully funded. This provision has been in the act for ten years but never really operationalized; in fact, this is the first time since then that a benefit change is being contemplated. That's the other. That's a disability benefit change. So there was a need to operationalize that provision in the act and we needed some regulations to do that.
Fundamentally, what it says is if a benefit is enriched, there has to be a calculation of what the actuarial full cost of that change is and there has to be a need to determine whether it is an unfunded liability associated with introducing a change. The chief actuary would calculate it and this somehow would be reported in the actuarial report and people will know how it was calculated, what the cost of the benefit change was, and to what extent it impacts on the actual contribution rate being levied on people.