Common people, ordinary people are being affected because they are deprived of this benefit, I should say. I should not say “pension”. It's a benefit. A sector of the people should not be deprived of the benefit. Canada is a great country because the medical facilities are provided after three months, and on them there's no residency condition. So why is there a residency condition on other benefits?
The seniors are excellent storytellers. They're excellent babysitters. They are essential to a family, and the family unification and reunification has a great value to Canada's workforce. It is a completeness of the family. The family is not complete without its elders. When the elders come here, it is perfect that they have come. Their children sometimes find it hard to support them. I'm talking of 65-plus men. Those who are less than 65 are working hard. They are going to factories. They are going to farms. They are going to nurseries. But the point here is that those people who are 65-plus should not be forced to suffer on the condition of ten years. At least, I would submit that the moment they become Canadian citizens, there should be no residency conditions, because they are Canadian citizens. They have taken the oath to Canada. They have a abandoned their citizenship from their original country.
Thank you very much.