Division 8 is an issue, and it's an issue for most of the unions in my area, as well as all of the employees. We're bringing in thousands of people from outside of the country to take these $100,000-a-year jobs. And they're taking the money back. They're not spending it here. They're not providing any benefit. I am quite disturbed by it. I don't know how you're communicating these opportunities to other areas of Canada that have high unemployment, but I've looked at the unemployment rates and I find it discouraging, because I don't see how you're communicating it, first of all.
Second, is there any type of strategy for temporary or permanent employees to be sent over? We have many seasonal workers. Mr. D'Amours in fact alluded to that. In northern Alberta you get $20 to $25 an hour to wrap subs in a sub shop. I can't keep employees in any of my businesses. Three or four years ago I had 70 or 80 employees for the businesses; today I have 20 or 25. And I'm shut down most days because I don't have people working.
We have people all over Canada--in Quebec and eastern Canada--who want jobs. They want to come out to western Canada to work, but they have no way to get there and there's no communication strategy that I can see to do that. It's obviously an issue.