Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
First, let me tell you that it is probably not due to a lack of respect that my colleague opposite said what he did, but he needs to come to our regions in order to understand our needs. It's certainly not by uprooting people from one region and placing them in another that we're going to help Canada as a whole. Canada is a vast country. It's unbelievable, I am really taken aback by such comments as have been made this morning. Just thinking that way is a problem in itself.
The problem in Atlantic Canada and in my riding is not an unemployment problem, but an employment problem. If we got a bit of help, we would be able people create jobs. Uprooting somebody, and telling him to leave his family and go to another region, is not a solution. People want to live with their families. That's more or less like the Acadian deportation. I just can't get over the fact that you think like that!