Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
First, I would like to make the following statement. There is a reality that some people do not understand, which is that companies in rural regions, whether they be in the Atlantic region, in Quebec or in Northern Ontario, also need employees.
The reality for us in Atlantic Canada is that people come in from other countries to fill the gaps. Now there is no way we can solve this problem as a whole by transferring employees from region to region.
Now I would like to raise the issue of literacy. I am sure that you are aware of the situation. In New Brunswick, the illiteracy rate has reached 67%. This does not mean that these people cannot read or write at all. Basically, this refers to how well they function at work. I know that this matter has been discussed before.
Given this situation, with such a high percentage, we wonder whether different measures should be taken from those that currently exist within the regular programs. And I mean dynamic programs aimed at lowering that percentage, as it is really very high. This is not just 5, 7 or 8%. The situation is very different. We have already had problems with education in the past. Therefore, in the future, we may also see a decrease in illiteracy. However, in order to bring this about, people should be given the equipment they need in order to function well at work.
No doubt, you will say that this is a political issue, and I understand, but I would like to know whether you think that it would be important to have a dynamic, precisely targeted program that would do whatever is possible to bring that percentage down.