Thank you very much, and thank you also for your support in the House on this bill.
You mentioned your report, and that's really one of the bases—the report that this committee has done—on which we were putting forward our bill.
Often with EI, it becomes a regional thing—certain regions depend more on it than others. I think that when you look at this bill, you'll see it's for all Canadians. There's no area that has more heart disease or cancer than another area. But that being said, your recognition of volunteers was very important. We've seen a lot at the HRDC offices. We've talked to people who have seen a big problem with the people coming to the office.
Your question was on what effect this would have on private insurance, the companies themselves. I guess what we're finding is there's a substantial number of people who have no insurance, whether you're a tow truck operator or you're working—They don't have any insurance at all. So when these people become eligible for this, it will not have any effect because they don't have the insurance itself.
A lot of private health insurance deals with many things, from dental.... There are a lot of incidentals they already take care of. It's not going to have any effect on that per se. There's no doubt it would supplement and help a bit in their income overall. If they're paying into insurance, this is an extra, I guess.