The second part of it is that:
(2) Paragraph 7(3)(b) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(b) has had 840 or more hours of insurable employment in their qualifying period.
Perhaps I can explain that, Mr. Chair.
I suspect that Mr. Lessard and Mr. Godin are experts in the Employment Insurance Act. I was not. It is a long and complex act. What we're suggesting and what these amendments are designed to do, very simply, in opposition to the bill's requirement of a flat amount of required hours to qualify for EI, at 360 hours across the board, is to maintain the regional rates of unemployment criteria but drop every level by 70 hours, so that there would be a low of 350 hours in the highest unemployment areas, where the problem is the most significant for people looking for work, going up to 630 hours required in the lowest unemployment areas. That's the first part of this. That table is a reflection of the changes this would entail.
In the act now, you'll see that at 6% and under, 700 hours are required. In this one we're suggesting 630, and it's 70 hours across the board throughout the table. That's one change.
The second change reflects the fact that in the bill new entrants are not distinguished from re-entrants. We think there's a very valid reason for re-entrants to be treated separately. Seasonal employment is a fact of life in many parts of Canada. People shouldn't be penalized because they live in an area of seasonal employment or high unemployment. We think we should leave a higher requirement for first-time entrants, but drop it by 70 hours as well. It was 910 hours, and we're proposing that we drop it to 840 hours.
This would do three things. One, it would reinstate the distinction between new entrants and re-entrants; second, it would drop the hours required for new entrants from 910 to 840 hours; and third, it would drop by 70 hours across the board the regional rates of unemployment required to qualify for EI.
Very simple.