Despite the human rights complaint being lodged with the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal, justice still has not been achieved for these workers. The company has moderately raised the wages.
I'll just focus on one area in conclusion. The foreign worker program needs sweeping reform. The CLC calls for six key changes:
The first is to establish a strong compliance, enforcement, and monitoring mechanism for the foreign worker before any further expansion of the streamlining process.
Employers should be required to advertise job openings at 5% or more above the market wage before claiming a labour shortage.
The labour movement must be fully engaged in an implementation of the foreign worker program.
The labour movement should be involved in determining which occupations are truly under pressure and the most appropriate methods for solving labour or skills shortages. This could include the examination of employers' practices affecting labour retention, or matching available workers in one area with available jobs in nearby areas via labour mobility and support initiatives.
Apply a set of strict, upwardly graduated penalties upon employers who violate employment agreements and provincial labour standards, with the maximum penalty being denial of access to the foreign worker program.
Last, through collaboration with community groups and unions, the federal government should again ensure that their racism-free strategy is involved in the foreign worker program.
Of course I could say more, but because of the time, I'll comment if there are questions.