Thank you very much.
I represent the regulator side of things. We are governed in each province by provincial statute in the public interest. Dentistry is a great news story when it comes to reducing barriers to those who are foreign-trained. For one thing, we have a national labour mobility agreement so that a dentist from Newfoundland could go anywhere across the country to practise.
As well, on February 16, 17, and 18 in Toronto we held a national summit to try to address how we are able to reduce barriers to foreign-trained. We came up with a national memorandum of understanding that has as its hallmark a plan that is fair and flexible and that protects the public by maintaining standards. It's a national program, so that in each province, no matter where a foreign-trained applicant applies, his or her credentialing will be reviewed in a consistent, fair way. The program they will eventually get into is tailor-made to their own education from the foreign-trained jurisdiction.
So there is a really good news story coming out of dentistry nationally for Canada and for foreign-trained applicants.