Indeed. We've had governments that are very keen on paying the debt, and I certainly support that, but with no concerns about letting students get in debt to the tune, I think, now in Canada of something like $20 billion, which is really horrifying.
I'd like to move on to the question of Indian and Northern Affairs and the interface with HRSDC. As I understand from speaking to aboriginal people, either on-reserve or off-reserve, there are many different reporting mechanisms and different agreements, with not much coordination between the two departments, which complicates things. For example, the money that's allocated from K to 12 comes from INAC and it doesn't allow for the funds to be applied to apprenticeship training. Yet we've heard today that there's a growth rate among your young people of something like 22% and there's a cap of 2% on the increase in funding.
So there are lots of questions there, about the cap, the lack of coordination, the difficulty with all the reporting mechanisms. Would you like to address any of those?