Fortunately, we're finally debating it. It concerns the Summer Career Placement Program, which has changed names.
Mr. Chairman, we all know the Summer Career Placement Program. That program has undergone some changes recently, not only with regard to its name, but also concerning its budget and, more particularly, the way it will be managed. It has been implemented with considerable delay this year.
It will result, if not this year, then next year, in a decline in the number of students who can be employed during the summer. It is therefore important that we make adjustments with regard to this program. That is why we have introduced the motion that is before you today and that reads as follows:
That the Committee recommend that the Government maintain, as is, the budget and format of the Summer Career Placement Program, that the Government transfer the administration of the program to the provinces that so wish, and that a report of the adoption of this motion be made to the House as soon as possible.
With your permission, I will speak to the nature of this motion.
With regard to the first part of the motion, I've previously said that it was important to protect this program, because it has the highest success rate. An analysis was conducted under the previous government, and the success rate, with respect to its objective, was 95%, which is not negligible. It is one of the most effective programs, but its survival is jeopardized every year. For example, provision has been made to cut $10 million this year and $45 million next year, out of a budget of $97.5 million. That budget will be further reduced by 50%, which is simply not recommended in the circumstances.
The purpose of the second part of our motion is to proceed with the transfer. This comes in the wake of two trends, the first of which, which has already been implemented by the previous government, is to transfer management of the initiative to the provinces that so wish. As regards Quebec, all manpower training was transferred in 1997, except for three blocks that were reserved and that concerned Aboriginal people, persons with disabilities and older workers. There were also immigrants, for a certain period of time. We think this transfer should be completed.
For the moment, the transfer of the Summer Career Placement Program should be made in that sense as well, particularly since the present Canadian government is jeopardizing it. That is why we have introduced this motion and we ardently hope that it will be carried by this committee.