My position is this: through the immigration ministry, especially through the website, make it very clear that this is the situation in Canada. Upon getting this situation, you consider whether to come or not, because everything should be transparent. There should be no hide-and-seek there. I did not get any information off the website, because on the website, before I applied, I found that in my profession there were a lot of jobs. Even in the interview I got lot of hope, but when I came here, the scenario was totally different. I did volunteer work for three years and seven months in the agriculture department and I'm now doing restaurant work for my survival.
I published 40 different research papers, which I developed into patents, in my own discipline. I'm an entomologist. I was working at the 960 Carling agriculture research station with Peter Mason. Now I am sending mail. They are not giving me a reply. I sent e-mails to the agriculture minister. I did this one. I did not get any reply to my e-mails.