If I may comment on that, that's exactly what the purpose of this report was. It was really to try to highlight the fact that what our members need are tradespeople, apprenticeship training, college education. Those who are being brought into the country are folks who are much more highly educated, and they get frustrated because they can't find the jobs that they have been trained for, and so many other jobs go lacking.
It's absolutely what we've been trying to push strongly in the work that we've been doing on the immigration system. I think the point system should better reflect the fact that the skills that are required in our country need to be those with trades and college education just as much, if not more so, than people who are more highly educated.
So absolutely, we can agree 100% with everything you're saying. We believe that.
We've also strongly encouraged more immigration programs that will allow for folks who may not necessarily have the higher levels of education. There are some good pilot projects started, but they haven't been expanded beyond certain parts of the country. For example, there's a pilot project out in Alberta that talks about bringing in folks to work in the hospitality sector and so forth, people who require a high school education. They are being very effectively used in those regions that need them. Those sorts of programs need to be looked at more closely and expanded to other parts of the country that really are in desperate need of people.