Beginning with your second question, we do look at SIN-related fraud. An awful lot of it tends to be related to employment insurance. It's individuals who are on claim and are able to obtain, one way or another, an alternative identity through a social insurance number. And then they're able to work while on claim as someone else, either a fictitious identity or they borrowed someone else's. So they're collecting EI and they're working at the same time, and probably not remitting tax on their job. We investigate quite a few cases like that.
The risk profile for SIN fraud is one that's based on our business intelligence. We update it all the time. If we see individuals, for example, who come into our offices and they have a recently issued birth certificate from any of the provinces, and it's recently issued and they're more than 20, right away we want to send them to one of our investigators to have a chat, because that seems odd. It's hard to get to be 20 years old and not have received a birth certificate already.
If you haven't worked, if you haven't applied for a SIN and you're over 20...there are a number of risk flags that we're constantly working with, and we provide that information to our staff in the field.
At the same time, we're constantly updating our training. I mentioned a certification program for staff on the identification of fraudulent documents, so that someone can't come in and obtain a SIN fraudulently using a false birth certificate.