Thank you very much.
I think I would start by repeating a statement that I made during my presentation: one size does not fit all in Nova Scotia. We recognize that there are challenges for each different region of our province. We recognize that there are challenges for income levels in our province, and we recognize that those are very real challenges for the families in Nova Scotia. We want what's best for Nova Scotia. We want what's best for their families.
We also believe we have to be fiscally responsible, and the sustainability piece of early learning and child care delivery is key. I know the reference was made to not waiting 10 years for child care. We're not talking about sitting and creating and waiting. We have a plan. It's in place. We're moving forward, and we have to ensure that being able to sustain that plan is fundamental and is key.
So we went out and asked Nova Scotians what they needed. We had 26,000 consultations, and the answers we got back are part of the plan we are implementing in Nova Scotia.
As far as universality goes, universally publicly funded child care would require a very significant investment on behalf of the federal government, the provincial government, municipal governments, and in some circumstances in families. I question the sustainability of that.