Good morning.
I'd like to begin by thanking you for inviting us to the committee. We're very pleased to be here. I'll speak to the slides, I guess, and perhaps you can follow along.
In our presentation on employability issues we'll be covering what we know from available data. We hope it will be of some use to you. We will review data on skilled worker shortage, labour mobility, seasonal workers, older workers, skills in literacy, and groups that have found it difficult to break into the labour market, such as recent immigrants and aboriginal people. I hope this will provide you with new facts and insights on these important issues.
I will also share with you some information on the surveys that provide us with the data, especially the labour force survey, or LFS, which is our central data source for this presentation.
Today, we will be looking at a wide range of labour market issues. I will be making fairly brief comments on the graphs and notes. Afterwards, I hope we will have an opportunity to answer your questions. The issues we will be looking at today will not be touched on in any depth. If you would like more detail on a given issue, we would be happy to return in the fall and make a more detailed presentation on it.
Before going any further, I would like to introduce my colleagues, who will assist me in answering your questions.
Susan, would you like to introduce yourself?