You seem to be confused about what the word “work” means. Every mother is a working mother. That's a feminist slogan promoted by the National Organization for Women in the United States.
What do you mean by stay-at-home versus working? I do paid work in my home and out of the home. I do unpaid work here and there. I'm not being paid right now and I'm working pretty hard.
When you talk about quality, that's very important. We are totally in favour of child care. We do child care. Child care means the care of a child, and parents like me...I'm a low-income, single parent. I'm the one you say you care about so much. But with the work I've done looking after my child, I've been subsidizing day care expenditures by being unpaid and unfinanced in the care that I do.
I know parents who both have full-time paid jobs who do not use and do not want to use day-care-centre-based care. They off-shift. They arrange their lives. Those who prefer and believe that day-care-centre-based care is the best care for their child and their family should use that care and try to find it, if that's what they believe is best, but first, they are entitled to accurate, full information about their choice, and second, they are not entitled to more financial support from the state for that particular choice. That was the Liberals' policy in 1999, and we would agree with that.