Okay, whichever it is, we won't go into that.
Say your neighbour is a mother who works outside the home--to define it more precisely, in a hotel--and the father is driving taxi, with both of them working double shifts, working long hours. They're barely making their rent and are having a hard time putting enough food on the table, and their kids need high-quality child care. What do you do with a family like that?
In Ottawa, for example, there are 7,000 kids waiting for child care. In Toronto it's a huge number, sometimes 10,000 or 12,000. In Vancouver, B.C., I am sure there's a huge waiting list. What do you do with parents who end up working two or three shifts in order to make ends meet, and then the kids end up being at home, not being taken care of, because there's no choice whatsoever? What do you say to those parents?
I don't know who would want to answer.