Yes, I know. Not much, though--they're gone.
Well, the long and short of it is that even as parents, we need to be more proactive. I'd encourage this group of men and women who are making these decisions to really step beyond just the appearance of...I'll say government and politics and the agendas here, and really see the needs of these children. I know that's what you're here for. I understand that, but there is....
I've watched too many children, even in my own neighbourhood now, dying. We have to do something, and it has to be soon. It has to be impactful. It has to be powerful.
As a father and as somebody who's working at that grassroots level, I hope that we can find something that's really going to meet the need--really.
Thank you for your time. I appreciate the opportunity to come here and address this committee.
Thank you.