In the interest of breaking this filibuster--Mr. Lake has indicated he wants to talk this out--I think Ms. Savoie said it very well: there are no secrets here. How often did you even see this in the headlines in the last ten years? You didn't, because it worked under the covers in our communities, it worked for non-profit organizations, it worked for students.
We can go back to 1994 if you want. What I don't want to do is make this encumbrance upon the department so heavy that they can't release the critical information. For me, the most critical information is this year, because I know last year and years before. If Mr. Lake wants to do another amendment to go back to 2004-05--pardon me, if he wants to make another motion--I'll support that motion, but this one is very, very important. We have to get this and we have to get it by June 12. So I'll support Mr. Lake if he wants to make his motion, following this one.