Thank you.
That's a topical question. The issue of identity theft is of great interest to us too. That's a good reason why, among others, we are in the process of developing this code of practice on the social insurance number. We think it's important. It was flagged earlier; the population needs to understand the use of a SIN, how it should be protected, etc. So this code of practice has been created to provide that kind of information. I think it's timely to remind everybody again, and we will be consulting with groups this summer and be issuing that in the fall.
Also, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, PIPEDA, was passed in 2000. It enhances the protection of personal information in the private sector. Firms pay employees and collect social insurance numbers from their employees to prepare their payroll, which includes deduction of tax and collection of premiums for employment insurance or the Canada Pension Plan. They remit those to CRA on our behalf using the social insurance number, and we account for those on the basis of that number. We do not exchange information the other way. The private sector collects information for us for the prescribed uses of programs and taxes, and we use that money to clear the accounts of taxes and to assess benefits for those programs.