The Office of the Auditor General is hosting a three-day visit of the delegation, for it to learn about the role and the work of the office and its relationships with key stakeholders.
We welcome all of you and are most certain that your visit will fulfill all of your expectations, as you are surely in very good hands.
Today we are receiving the Auditor General in follow-up to the letter she sent us on May 12, 2006, concerning the 2002 study on the integrity of the social insurance number. The Auditor General will make a brief presentation, and then she will be available to answer members' questions. It should take approximately 30 minutes, then Ms. Fraser will have to leave because of another commitment. The officials of the department will provide us with a briefing regarding work accomplished since the AG's study was released, and will also provide us with information on upcoming projects in regard to these issues.
Without further comments, I would like Ms. Fraser to give her presentation.