One of the major problems of mobility is that it can cause an exodus. Unfortunately, one of our colleagues has made a rather unfortunate remark when he said that we should empty one region to the benefit of another. This is totally unacceptable. Actually, we must find a solution to mobility as opposed to retention.
Given the employment and economic environment, my concern is that I feel nobody is considered a first-class citizen. We have to find ways to answer the shortage of skilled workers--in the next five years we'll have a shortage of something like one million--but at the same time we have nine million people who are illiterate. Also, we don't talk about the aboriginal condition. There are major issues that need the emphasis put not just on the money, but on self-esteem and on human resources. I'd like to see that in EI programs.
But I would not like people to be incited to become unemployed in order to learn to read. So we must find a way of offering incentives in the workplace. What kind of incentives should we put forward in order to help ourselves while still having adequate economic immigration policies to solve our problems? What should we be doing internally in this regard?